A contemporary young adult drama that centers on the story of 18-year old Sumera, an ambitious high school student, who has dreams of making a name of herself.
Sumera’s world comes crashing down, when she is physically and sexually assaulted by someone she thought she knew.
Distressed, humiliated and ashamed Sum- era doesn’t know what to do or who to turn to. From a strict Pakistani background, Sumera knows she cannot share her devastating secret with her family, and when it becomes clear that the authorities cannot help her, she turns to her friends for help.
Finding strength in numbers, these four girls join forces to plot revenge on Sumera’s attacker.
Writers Mahmona Khan & Thomas Moldestad
Directors Katarina Launing & Aurora Gossé
Main cast Kamalpreet Kaur, Tamanna Agnihotri, Hibba Najeeb, Pernille Persen, Tarjei Sandvik Moe, Arman Surizehi, Ravdeep Singh Bajwa
Producers Cecilie Aspenes, Bendik Heggen Strønstad & Brede Hovland
Executive Producers Jonas Allen, Peter Bose & Are Heidenstrøm
Format Series (one season)
Genre Young Adult Drama
Original Title Skitten Snø
Original Language Norwegian
Produced by Miso Film Norway
International Sales Fremantle Media International