In this high-paced family film, we follow 11-year-old Alise, whose world is turned upside down when a wild horse crashes into the neighborhood’s basketball court. Her friends expect her to catch it, as they think Alise knows all there is to know about horses. But there’s a catch: Alise has lied about everything – she’s terrified of horses.
There was a time when Alise’s grandfather was an adept horseman, who knew all there was to know about horses, but that was a long time ago. Besides, what business is it of his when the owner decides to kill the horse?
In the end, Alice must overcome her deepest fears to save the doomed horse. You only need a little faith to make a giant leap.
Director Gunnar Vikene
Writer Monica Boracco Borring
Main cast Ann-Kristin Sømme, Sven Wollter, Anneke Von Der Lippe, Adele Karoline Dahl, Reidar Sørensen
Producers Tanya Badendyck & Silje Hopland Eik
Co-producers Jonas Allen, Peter Bose & Moa Westeson
Format Feature Film
Genre Family
Original Title Trigger
Original Language Norwegian
Produced by Miso Film Norway
International Sales SF Norge